Monday, March 25, 2013

bookr : an amazing homemade printing press!

  I recently have found an amazing Internet tool to help students practice their writing skills and enlighten their creativeness: booker, with which they can make their own books. What an exciting thing!
  I have already made my own book "My Happy Life with Them". I myself feel proud when I looked back on what I have made. I think using my book in my teaching, I could let them first read it and then share their stories about the family with the whole class or just write a reflection about these book.
  I as a teacher will be quite excited to read the reviews from my students!


  1. Your book contains some lovely thoughts.

    1. Oh really? I was afraid that it will not meet the standards because it is not technically a story book. But I just cannot help to write something about the ones I deeply love.
